what is the solution for the statement if mercury thermometer breaks while keeping in our mouth
Ingestion of small amounts of mercury usually do not need a specific treatment, but rinsing with water then spitting can help remove any mercury remaining in the mouth. For people with symptoms, special drugs can be given to help remove the mercury from the body
The Bottom Line
A broken mercury-containing thermometer can be toxic if the vapors are inhaled. The risk of poisoning from touching or swallowing mercury from a broken thermometer is low if appropriate clean-up measures are taken.
The Full Story
A fever can be a sign of an infection or other medical conditions, so it is useful to be able to check body temperature with a thermometer. Temperatures can be checked in the mouth, rectum, armpit, ear, and across the forehead. While rectal temperature is the most accurate it is often impractical to measure temperature this way. Checking a person’s temperature by mouth, ear, or forehead are reasonable alternatives. There are many types of thermometers. The oldest thermometers used are mercury in glass. Newer thermometers include non-mercury liquids in glass and digital and electronic devices that use sensors to measure temperature. Thermometers that check body temperature in the ear, across the forehead, or have a digital display do not contain mercury. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends using mercury-free thermometers but it does not recommend any specific brand. You should pick a thermometer that is easy to use and read. Potentially harmful effects from broken thermometers vary depending on the type of thermometer. The most concerning are mercury-containing thermometers. The least concerning are the digital/electronic thermometers because they contain no potentially hazardous liquids that can spill if broken. colitis. We can help you decide if you should seek medical attention.
Depending on the specific circumstances surrounding the broken mercury-containing thermometers, most cases can be managed safely at home; however, always contact Poison Control at 1-800-222-1222 for assistance.
Initial treatment following exposure to spilled mercury includes washing with soap and water if mercury came into contact with the skin and getting fresh air if the vapors are inhaled. Ingestion of small amounts of mercury usually do not need a specific treatment, but rinsing with water then spitting can help remove any mercury remaining in the mouth. For people with symptoms, special drugs can be given to help remove the mercury from the body.
Calls to Poison Control about mercury from broken thermometers are declining because of the availability of other types of thermometers. Although mercury is considered a highly toxic substance, the overall risk of toxicity from a broken mercury-containing thermometer is low when appropriate clean-up measures are taken.
The EPA recommends the following clean-up steps for broken mercury thermometers in your home.
Have everyone else (including pets) leave the area; don't let anyone walk through the mercury on their way out. Open all windows and doors to the outside; shut all doors to other parts of the house.
DO NOT allow children to help you clean up the spill.
Mercury can be cleaned up easily from the following surfaces: wood, linoleum, tile, and most other hard, smooth surfaces.
If a spill occurs on carpet, curtains, upholstery, or other absorbent surfaces, these contaminated items should be thrown away in accordance with the disposal means outlined below. Only cut and remove the affected portion of the contaminated carpet for disposal.
Put on rubber, nitrile, or latex gloves before handling mercury contaminated objects or broken mercury thermometers.
If there are any broken pieces of glass or sharp objects, pick them up with care. Place all broken objects on a paper towel. Fold the paper towel and seal it in a Zip-Lock style bag.
Locate visible mercury beads. DO NOT use a vacuum cleaner or broom to clean up mercury. Use a squeegee or cardboard to gather mercury beads. of treatment with a medicine that helps remove mercury from the body, the symptoms were gone and the mercury levels were not detectable.