English, asked by ficjjvkkv, 6 months ago

what is the solution given by the communists to improve the condition of the workers.​


Answered by baid06408


As is well known, Marx never wrote a book or even an essay on communism. Yet, as even casual readers of Marx know, descriptions of the future society are scattered throughout his writings. Over two decades ago, I gathered together the most important of these descriptions in a single place. Treating them like the pieces of a puzzle, I was able to construct a fuller (though far from complete) and more coherent vision of communism than most of Marx's readers thought to exist. My main purpose was to provide a more adequate answer to the question that we Marxists get asked so often—"What is the alternative?". It is evident that social criticism can lead to radical political action only if one believes, however tentatively, that a qualitatively better society can be built. Unfortunately, most of those who criticize communism today do not believe this.

Some readers were quick to suggest that Marx would have frowned at my effort, often citing his well known remark, "Communism is for

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