Computer Science, asked by avisk04, 9 months ago

What is the solution of the recursive equation T (n)= 3T n +n2? 4 a) O(nlog n) b) O(12 193) 0.793 c) O(17") d) O(n log n)


Answered by sureshhm


Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd edition (p.95) has an example of how to solve the recurrence


by applying the Master Theorem.

I am very confused by how it is done. So, a=3,b=4,f(n)=n⋅log(n)

First step is to compare nlogba=nlog43=O(n0.793) with f(n).

I have no clue on how they compared this. The book explains:

f(n)=Ω(nlog43+ϵ), where ϵ≈0.2, case 3 applies if we can show that the regularity condition holds for f(n).

Followed by:

For sufficiently large n, we have that: af(nb)=3(n4)log(n5)≤(34)nlogn=cf(n) for c=34.Where did 3(n4) come from?

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If our recurrence takes the form T(n)=aT(n/b)+f(n), then to use the "third case" of the Master method we must have the following hold:

f(n)=Ω(nlogba+ϵ) for some ϵ>0 and if af(n/b)≤cf(n) for some constant c<1 and all sufficiently large n, then T(n)=Θ(f(n))

Our recurrence is defined as


By definition we have, a=3,b=4,f(n)=nlogn.

We now need to show that f(n) is polynomially larger than nlogba. That is the "f(n)=Ω(nlogba+ϵ)" part from above. Defining ϵ≈0.2 achieves this. The reason being that log43≈0.793 and f(n)=Ω(n0.793+ϵ).

We are left to show that f(n) satisfies the regularity condition. That is the "af(n/b)≤cf(n) for some constant c<1 and all sufficiently large n" part.

We simply plug in our values of a,b to get:


All we did was take the "n" in f(n) and plug in "n/4".

To make this easier to see, let k=n/4 and observe that af(k)=aklogk. Swapping k with n/4 we have


where c=3/4.

This finishes our necessary requirements and we have that T(n)=Θ(nlogn).


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