Chemistry, asked by praneeth1803, 1 year ago

what is the spin only magnetic moment of Pd[(PPh3)2Cl2] ?


Answered by sippuutkarsh




It is a diamagnetic specie you can take a hint that pd 2+ makes weak ligand also work as strong ligand and form inner orbital complex so it will form a diamagnetic specie

Answered by qwsuccess

The spin only magnetic moment of Pd[(PPh3)2Cl2] is equal to 0.

  • Pd is in the +2 state.
  • Pd(+2) has a 4d8 electronic configuration.
  • This coordination compound will have a square planar geometry as when we move down from 3d to 4d series there is a huge increase in the Δs values , so inner orbital compounds formed by pairing of electrons is preferred.
  • Therefore, all the 8 d-electrons will be paired and will occupy 4 d-orbitals and the remaining d-orbital will be used in bonding
  • Hence , the compound is diamagnetic.
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