Accountancy, asked by vp379122, 7 months ago

what is the state value of money ?​


Answered by kiransharmabadhani


Money is a medium of exchange that facilitates trade in goods and services. Wherever people pro­gressed beyond simple barter, they began to use their most market­able goods as media of exchange. In primitive societies they used cattle, or measures of grain, salt, or fish. In early civilizations where the division of labor extended to larger areas, gold or silver emerged as the most marketable good and finally as the only medi­um of exchange, called money. It is obvious that the chieftains, kings, and heads of state did not invent the use of money. But they frequently usurped control over it whenever they suffered budget deficits and could gain revenue from currency debasement.

When an economic good is sought and wanted, not only for its use in consumption or production but also for purposes of exchange, to be held in reserve for later ex­changes, the demand for it obvi­ously increases. We may then speak of two partial demands which combine to raise its value in exchange—its purchasing pow­er.

The Origin of Money Value

People seek money because it has purchasing power; and part of this purchasing power is gen­erated by the people’s demand for money. But is this not reasoning in a vicious circle?

It is not! According to Ludwig von Mises’ “regression theory,” we must be mindful of the time factor. Our quest for cash hold­ings is conditioned by money pur­chasing power in the immediate past, which in turn was affected by earlier purchasing power, and so on until we arrive at the very inception of the monetary demand. At that particular moment, the purchasing power of a certain quantity of gold or silver was de­termined by its nonmonetary uses only.

This leads to the interesting conclusion that the universal use of paper monies today would be in­conceivable without their prior use as “substitutes” for real money, such as gold and silver, for which there was a nonmonetary demand. Only when man grew ac­customed to these substitutes, and governments deprived him of his freedom to employ gold and silver as media of exchange, did govern­ment tender paper emerge as the legal or “fiat money.” It has value and purchasing power, although it lacks any nonmonetary demand, because the people now direct their monetary demand toward govern­ment tender paper. If for any reason this public demand should cease or be redirected toward real goods as media of exchange, the fiat money would lose its entire value. The Continental Dollar and various foreign currencies over the years illustrate the point.

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