What is the story of Ganga avtaran
When sagara was performing the ashvameda yagna Indra the lord of the devas stole the main sacrificial horse and tied it to kapila muni’s ashram sagara was worried as it’s a great sin to not finish the yagna then he sent his sons to go find the horse for him and his sons found it with kapila muni and were about to attack him kapila muni with the syllable hun he burnt their bodies then sagara sent his grandson anshuman to find his sons anshuman asked kapila muni and he told whatever had happened and he asked is there any possible way to cleanse the sin of sagara’s sons and kapila muni said that the Ganga water should flow over their ashes .so anshuman did tapas but he failed and so did his son dilipa but dilipa’s son bhagiratha said he will only become the king if he succeeded in getting Ganga to earth and he succeeded in pleasing lord shiva and that is how Ganga came to the earth