what is the story of newton
Sir Isaac Newton was an English phisicist, mathematician and astronomer. He is famous for his work on the laws of motion, optics, gravity and Calculus
He was born on 25 December 1642 in Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire, England.
From 1655 to 1659 he was educated at The King's School, Grantham. When he was seventeen, he was removed from school. His mother tried to make him a farmer, but he did not like that. Henry Stokes, matter at the Kings School, requested how mother top and him back to school
In 1661, he was sent to the university of Cambridge to study. It is sometimes told that Isaac Newton was reading a book under a tree when am apple from the tree deep next to him. This led to kid calculations of gravitation
The newton is the International System of Units derived unit of force. It is named after Isaac Newton in recognition of his work on classical mechanics, specifically Newton's second law of motion. See below for the conversion factors.