what is the structural and behaviour adaptation of a crocodile when it catches its prey
There are special bony flaps in the throat which allow a crocodile to eat when submerged or breathe when its jaws are open underwater. Crocodilians, being cold-blooded reptiles, have to avoid extremes of temperature. When it is fairly cool, they rest on a waterside bank, allowing the sun to warm their body.Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism, like having a tail. Behavioural adaptations are the things that an organism does to survive, these are learnt actions. Functional adaptations are those that help the organism to survive, the difference being that they are innate functions.
crocodiles and develop behaviour to control their body the most at their bask in the sun when cool and seek shade of water when hot actimus like rocks don't need to each regularly to warm their bodies and so they save an enormous amount of energy that can be put to other users or stored for later