what is the Structure of Double-Stranded DNA .../
In molecular biology, the term double helix refers to the structure formed by double-stranded molecules of nucleic acids such as DNA. The double helical structure of a nucleic acid complex arises as a consequence of its secondary structure, and is a fundamental component in determining its tertiary structure.
The structure of Double - Stranded DNA are --
➠ It is made of two polynucleotide chains, where the backbone is constituted by sugar-phosphate, and the bases project inside.
➠ The two chains have anti-parallel polarity which means that if one chain has the polarity 5'→ 3', then the other has 3' → 5'.
➠ The bases in two strands are paired through hydrogen bond forming base pairs.
➠ The two chains are coiled in a right-handed fashion.
➠ The plane of one base pair stacks over the other in double helix. This stacking in Hydrogen bonds confers the stability of the helical structure.