English, asked by dhoni003, 1 year ago

What is the Summary of chapter virtual true class 10 englsih literature chapter 6


Answered by DivyamRajvanshi
Here is your answer :-

The narrator, a young boy, is travelling by train. His attention is attracted by a big woman, sitting opposite him and reading a newspaper. The headlines in the newspaper was regarding Sebastian Shultz, a 14 years old boy, whose car met with an accident and he went into coma, that the doctors feared would last forever. Sebastian's mother only hoped that their son would come out of coma, but only a miracle could save him. The narrator also notices the photo of the said boy and is shocked to discover, it is the same Sebastian whom he had got to know. But the newspaper story stated that the boy had been in coma throughout. It all had started a month back when the narrator along with his dad, had bought a psycho- drive game with a virtual reality, visor and glove. He had already played many other game but he did not bother about that. The very first game that he tried his hands on was called Wild West. As the name says it all, it made him feel that he was also one of the characters and had a Sheriff's badge pinned on his shirt. Ashe burst into the swing doors of the saloon, everyone glared at him. He drank a glass of some fizzy red stuff and on hearing a loud crash, he spun around. In the doorway was black- eyed Jed, with the fastest gun in the west. He called narrator, who was Sheriff Dawson, to come out . A second Sheriff appeared through the back door, shouting and waving. The narrator was surprised at this sudden change in the game. The second Sheriff forbade the narrator from going .He was young, like the narrator and did not move like the other images. The second Sheriff told him the narrator to follow him . The second Sheriff jumped out of the window and the narrator followed him. He sat on a horse and the narrator sat behind him. There were some other men chasing them. The sound of the gunshot shocked the narrator and he realized that the Sheriff had collapsed. Immediately bright neon lights appeared with a message 'GAME OVER'. As the narrator took out his visor, he noticed a piece of paper on his tray. It carried the
picture of the second Sheriff with a message, "I AM STUCK. PLEASE HELP TO RETRIEVE ME.
TRY DRAGON QUEST". The aim of this game was to rescue a golden haired princess Aurora
from the wicked dragon and also to collect the dragon's treasure on the way. The narrator as
on the verge of saving the princess, just then he hears Sebastian's voice asking to be saved
first. Sebastian was the second knight this time and he cut off the golden plaits of the
princess, rolled them into a rope and jumped out. The narrator also jumped out. They tried
to run through a secret passage with the dragon following them and suddenly jumps on
them. The narrator tries to strike him but is unsuccessful. The dragon only charged towards
Sebastian, who was his prime target. Before the narrator could do anything to save
Sebastian, the game got over. This time the message in the printer was, 'BETTER LUCK NEXT
WORK'. The narrator had no need to study the rules of JAILBREAK. He knew his sole
objective was to save Sebastian, his cell mate. With the help of a skeleton swipe-card, they
both were out of the cell, with dogs chasing and sirens wailing. They managed to evade the
guards. While waiting for a helicopter, Sebastian stepped back and fell on the concrete
below. The game ended there and then, much to the shock of the narrator. This time there
was no message. The narrator tried all the games multiple times to see, if he had missed any
message from Sebastian. Then again one day, he got a message, 'CAN WE HAVE LAST ONE
tried WARZONE. He was facing a city with tall buildings. Machine guns were firing, bombs
were exploding, but the narrator was clear that Sebastian and he had to reach the helicopter
in one piece.
They reached a no man's land and got into a waiting jeep. A tank was speeding towards
them. Sebastian slammed the brakes all of a sudden, the jeep went into a spin and the
narrator jumped straight into the helicopter. But Sebastian was not there. He could not jump
out of the jeep and it collided with the tank. Sebastian was thrown out and landed near the
helicopter. The narrator could not see anything because of dust and the game
narrator removed his visor, he had scored 40, 000, 000 points and realized that he had
cracked the game.
The narrator, now, wanted to check some facts. He got out of the train and surfed the net for
some details. Apparently, at the time of the accident, Sebastian was using his laptop to play
the psycho-driven game that the narrator had bought . And the narrator had ended up buying them.

Hope it helps ....mark as brainliest
Answered by Anonymous

The story starts with a boy named Michael who reads an article in the newspaper about a “Miracle Recovery.”

A boy, whose condition was critical but stable, had recovered from coma. Michael recollected that the boy who was  mentioned in the newspaper was in fact Sebastian Shultz whom he had met weeks ago while playing. This all started  at the Computer Fair, when Michael’s father who was nutty about computers, bought him a new computer preloaded  with games.

When he played the game ‘Wild West’, he became a Sheriff and was challenged by “Black eyed Jed” to a  duel. He then met a Second Sheriff whom he was asked to go with. Unfortunately, the Second Sheriff was shot by the  villains and the game ends. Later on, he got a printout which read “I ‘m Sebastian Shultz. Try playing Dragon Quest”.

In Dragon Quest his task was to save Princess Aurora from the wicked dragon and collect the wicked creature’s  treasure along the way. He had the help of the second knight who was revealed to be Sebastian. Later on in the game,

Sebastian was killed. The game ended with the printer displaying a message asking him not to give up and to try playing  “Jailbreak.”

In Jailbreak, his mission was to escape with the prisoner, and he knew that it was Sebastian again. They broke out  of jail, and ran to the roof as the doors shut behind them. The helicopter arrived as they reached the roof. They got into  the helicopter. As they took off, Sebastian fell off the helicopter and the game ended. Later on, he played the game many  times but the printout did not come.  

Then one day, the printer showed a message telling him that the helicopter was a better choice, and to try playing  “War Zone”, Sebastian had also promised not to trouble him again if this did not work out.  He jumped right into the game. He found himself in some kind of a city scarred by battle wounds. He knew he  that had to save Sebastian. They ran together to an abandoned jeep they found amidst the rubble. They went towards a  helicopter as a tank chased them. As soon as it came to their view, Sebastian stopped the car.

The jeep went into a spin and Michael leapt into the helicopter. Sebastian did not enter the helicopter at this point. Michael waited and yelled at  him to come into helicopter but Sebastian did not move. Moments later, the tank collided with the jeep and Sebastian  was thrown into the helicopter. They flew into clouds and the game ended, saving him. When he removed his visor he  came to know that he had got the High Score.  The narrator wanted now to cross-check the facts.

He surfed the net for some details. He found out what he was  looking for. Apparently at the time of the accident, Sebastian was using his laptop to play one of the psycho-drive games  that the narrator had bought.

The narrator realised that Sebastian’s memory had been stored on disk because the computer had saved Sebastian’s  memory, when Sebastian had banged his head in the accident.

But how did it end up in the narrator’s computer ? This  was also solved later because the narrator came to know that when Sebastian had been in the hospital, someone had  stolen the games and sold them and the narrator had ended up buying them. There was a message from Sebastian that  said, “DEAR MICHAEL, THANK YOU.

I’M NOT SURE HOW IT HAPPENED. BUT YOU SAVED MY LIFE. LET’S MEET  UP SOON, CHEERS. SEB. PL. KEEP THE GAMES. YOU’VE EARNED THEM”.  This was a real and direct message from Sebastian. It was clear that by reliving the accident, something wonderful  had happened. But then again, what can someone say about miracles. And what is true or what is virtually true - no one  can say with finality. The narrator had undergone an experience that had proved to be virtually true.

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