Hindi, asked by joshipratyaksh08, 1 month ago

What is the summary of the summit within​



Answered by Kitsch

In the year 1965, the expedition to Mount Everest was the first successful expedition. Edmund Hillary and Major Ahluwalia were also a part of this expedition. This chapter is a reminisce of this expedition by Major Ahluwalia. He says that standing on the peak of Mount Everest he felt humbled and joyful though he was physically tired. He felt that this joy will remain with him all his life and was thus thankful to God. Also, he was sad somewhere. Though he was not sure about the reason, he thought that it was because now there is no higher peak to climb. In spite of climbing this summit, he thinks that there is also another summit that we need to climb. It is the summit of our minds. As per his observation, he said that a person requires three qualities to climb any summit. Endurance, persistence, and will power be the three qualities which a person needs to overcome the obstacles of his life. Every person thus enjoys overcoming the obstacles. On the question of why he chose to climb the Everest, he says that he loves the mountains. As Mount Everest is the highest of them all and it is a great struggle against rock and ice to climb it, he finds it very challenging. He says that he has a strong urge to face the challenges and overcome the obstacles. Also, to him, the joy of climbing Mount Everest is too much as only a few can manage to do this. He adds here that climbing Everest is not just a physical achievement but also is an emotional and spiritual experience. This success has brought him fame and also fulfillment. He further says that this summit also is a lesson of companionship. Two people share the same rope while climbing the mountain. One climber needs to hold the rope firmly while the other one cuts the steps in the hard ice. The second one then belays and then the first one inches his way up. It is very difficult for a single man to think of climbing a mountain. They need physical as well as the emotional support of their partners. -- (( REFER ATTACHMENT )) --

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