what is the synonym of the word, irascible?
Answered by
synonyms:irritable, quick-tempered, short-tempered, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, hot-tempered, thin-skinned, snappy, snappish, tetchy, testy, touchy, edgy, crabby, waspish, dyspeptic; More
surly, cross, crusty, crabbed, grouchy, crotchety, cantankerous, curmudgeonly, ill-natured, ill-humoured, peevish, querulous, captious, fractious, bilious;
informalnarky, prickly, ratty, hot under the collar;
rareiracund, iracundulous
"an irascible young man"
Answered by
a synonym is a word or phrase that means exactly or nearby the same as another lexeme in the same language words that are synonym are said to be synonymous are the state of being a synonym is called synonym irascribe synonym is constrant
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