What is the term meaning of following :
1. Convergent boundary
2. Divergent boundary
3. Transform boundary
1. CONVERGENT BOUNDARY : The area on the earth where two lithospheric plates come together is known as a convergent boundary. This is also called destructive boundary. The impact of the colliding lithospheric plates can cause the edges of one or both plates to buckle up into a mountain ranges or one of the plates may bend down into a deep seafloor trench. In convergent boundary, crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another. The destruction of crust takes place along convergent boundaries where the plates are moving toward each other. Sometimes one plate sinks under another and the location where sinking of a plate occurs is known as a subduction zone.
The Washington-Oregon coastlin is a convergent boundary.
2. DIVERGENT BOUNDARY : The linear feature that exists when two tectonic plates move away from one another is known as a divergent boundary. In other words, it is the location where the plates move away from each other. This occurs above rising convection currents and new crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle to fill in the space between the plates that move apart. Divergent boundary is also called a constructive boundary.
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Red Sea Rift are some divergent boundaries.
3. TRANSFORM BOUNDARY : The location where two tectonic plates slide past one another is known as transform boundary. This is also called transform-fault boundary as the fracture zone that forms a transform plate boundary is known as a transform fault. At transform margins, crust is cracked and broken, but is not created or destroyed. The transform faults are found mostly on the ocean floor. Transform boundaries are marked in some places by linear valleys along the boundary where rock has been ground up by the sliding and in some places by stream beds that have been split in half and the two halves have moved in opposite directions.
The San Andreas Fault is transform boundary.
Yaar why did u do like that
someone could answered right
it was very urgent
that's ok leave