What is the The Importance of Forests in India?
India’s forests cover about 23% of total geographical area of the country. Forests play a vital role in the economy of the country. They give fuel wood to poor people for cooking purpose.
Forests also provide material for industry. Those who build houses get timer for house building and for various other purposes. Besides forests please the attracts rains and stops erosion of the soil.
Evergreen forests are found where the rainfall is heavy. There are such forests in the Western Ghats and the Sub-Himalayan regions. The category of the forests yield hard wood such as teak rose wood and bamboos. The monsoon forests are found in large areas of Deccan plateau. They provide teak, shal, sandalwood etc. The hill forests found at places above 500 feet above include the best timber and other trees. In recent years, lakhs of fast growing eucalyptus trees have been planted along the roadside to attract rain.
India’s forest wealth has been reduced as a result of senseless cutting of trees. People need firewood. Even official agencies clear vast jungle areas for constructing dams, roads and buildings. The axe and bulldozer have been in common use. Grazing causes another problem in large parts of the country. So the annual rate of the loss of forests is a serious threat to the country’s economy.
Nobody would be able to escape adverse effect of this destruction. The disappearance of forests results in changing rainfall pattern and causing drought conditions in large areas. There is a report that about 25 per cent of all the drugs are derived from trees. Trees also yield vital industrial oils, resins and dyes.
Now we understand the importance of forests in the country’s economy. We also realize their value in maintaining the ecological balance. Now the government tries to save the forest land and reserve forest in the country. But the destruction of forests continues lakhs of fresh trees are planted every year in India but they perish, for lack of care.
We get many things from the forests. They include bamboos of different kinds. We get grasses of various types. Medical plants gum and lac are provided by forests. It is also widely used for medicines. In India there are over 20000 types of medicinal plants. So forests are of great value. They deserve much greater practical attention than they are getting now.
Importance of Forests in India
Since ancient times, had special significance in the life of one man. This unique gift of nature to human life. But not many of our forest trees are repositories of useful animals and drugs.
Forests are essential elements for life on Earth to maintain the balance of nature are completely supportive. Since ancient times our ancestors, saints, sages and saints is a role for the forest austerity. These forests are the great sages Ashram where sage and his disciples lived. They had a special place in society that people would see the full faith and confidence.
One great source of drugs for the former were doctors and herbalists. The legend of Ramayana unfailing weapon to attack from the lifesaving forests to save the life of Lakshmana was available. Lord Krishna in Vrindavan and is directly related to the pure love of Radha. His love for nature reflects the relationship of the deities.
Forest reserves, which contains a variety of different types of plants useful to humans. Pipal tree there is a spiritual significance to us as well as it is very beneficial because it is the welfare of the human being with abundant oxygen.
In addition neem, acacia, Tulsi, Amla and Shami trees as medicine etc. is particularly important.
Not only for humans but for all forest species are required. They help maintain the balance of nature. Today, more and more erosion of forests have many important animals extinct and many endangered animal poses. Vanraj Singh's number has been declining steadily. The number of wild elephants is declining steadily. Same is the case with other animals.
One menstrual cycle and are able to maintain a balance in nature. More rain forest and its fertile soil to prevent erosion cooperate in maintaining power. Vegetation of the earth by their roots absorb water, which re-take the form of a cloud dissipates in the atmosphere, resulting in falls and the cycle remains constant.
But gluttony and selfishness of man's dissatisfaction with the daily trend of the number of trees prone to imbalance has arisen. That reservoir of land erosion is increasing day by day which are withered. The constant lack of water threaten the existence of aquatic animals.
Plants play a key role in keeping the environment clean. Homes, automobiles and factories out of spare carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere that absorb air pollution control is greatly aided. Plants such as directly affect the environment.
Therefore, not only for humans but also for all plants and animals are required. Their absence is impossible to maintain the natural balance, therefore, it is necessary for all of us that we understand the importance of forests. This important work is possible only through common action. Plantations should work in greater detail, and they are on the verge of the forest there are fewer trees on erosion should be banned.
This is the responsibility of the government that it has installed more than trees and stiffer penalties for those who had continued to unofficially trees are cut. Not only the government but all social institutions and especially youth awareness campaign should run towards plantation.
To highlight the importance of plantation life, the student should be told its importance. To encourage students to various competitions to be organized from time to time. Therefore, not only for one human life but are also important for the creation of all life forms. It is absolutely necessary for the protection of the natural balance and the environment. Forests contribute significantly to the nature of the organisms. We all have a responsibility to preserve this treasure.
Forest protection is a necessity for all of us. Erosion of forests could be a serious threat to human civilization, therefore, to maintain the nature and greenery in their lives should pay special attention to the plantation.