What is the theme of the poem harvest hymn
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Summary by Mukul Panda, ClassSummary by Mukul Panda, ClassSummary by Mukul Panda, ClassSummary by Mukul Panda, Class –––– 7,7,7,7, KolkataKolkataKolkataKolkataHarvest Hymn is a parody of an often sung harvest song above. The Poet, Sir JohnBetjeman, has cleverly unraveled the monstrous face of modern farming practices.Betjeman says that the farmers do what ever is necessary to grow more and morecrops like indiscriminate use of chemicals & fertilizers, uncontrolled use of electricity& wastage of non-renewable sources of energy.He also mocks the modern farmers’ rich life style laced with luxury. The well-to-dofarmers boast of hard work which buys them expensive cars, huge buildings &comfortable gadgets. The advanced farmer, in his eagerness to increase profit,converts forests to arable land, arable land to concrete jungles, destroys trees,denudes pastures and so on. Their cruelty to live stock knows no bounds.The agricultural products and ecosystem services are both very essential part of human existence and largely affect quality of life. The intensified modern agriculturalpractices have greatly increased global food supply but have detrimental impacts onthe environment highlightin...
Summary by Mukul Panda, ClassSummary by Mukul Panda, ClassSummary by Mukul Panda, ClassSummary by Mukul Panda, Class –––– 7,7,7,7, KolkataKolkataKolkataKolkataHarvest Hymn is a parody of an often sung harvest song above. The Poet, Sir JohnBetjeman, has cleverly unraveled the monstrous face of modern farming practices.Betjeman says that the farmers do what ever is necessary to grow more and morecrops like indiscriminate use of chemicals & fertilizers, uncontrolled use of electricity& wastage of non-renewable sources of energy.He also mocks the modern farmers’ rich life style laced with luxury. The well-to-dofarmers boast of hard work which buys them expensive cars, huge buildings &comfortable gadgets. The advanced farmer, in his eagerness to increase profit,converts forests to arable land, arable land to concrete jungles, destroys trees,denudes pastures and so on. Their cruelty to live stock knows no bounds.The agricultural products and ecosystem services are both very essential part of human existence and largely affect quality of life. The intensified modern agriculturalpractices have greatly increased global food supply but have detrimental impacts onthe environment highlightin...
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