What is the theme of the story "The fact of unity " ?
Welcoming Grace
Welcoming Grace St. Augustine said: “What is grace? I know until you ask me; when you ask me, I do not know.” If we asked a dozen people their definition of grace, we might uncover a dozen different answers including, “I don’t know.” Read more of Welcoming Grace.
Annual Theme MeditationListen Now
Listen to a meditation about the upward pull of grace, lifting you to your highest and best.
Posi Music Playlists
Annual Theme Posi Music Themed PlaylistsListen Now
Use your imagination! If you find new and interesting ways to work with this theme in your ministry, please be sure to share it with others through the Facebook page called “Unity Minister Resource Sharing.” (It’s a closed group for ministers. Just click JOIN if you’re not already a member.)
Enjoy sharing your stories!