What Is The Title Justification Of Lesson 8 From Book Beehive.
Answer: This chapter contains two parts....
In part -1
Santosh Yadav, the first woman in the world to climb Mount Everest twice. Her story is inspiring. Despite being born in a skewed society which did not welcome the birth of a girl child, where girls were married off at sixteen, she made her own path, followed her desires and achieved world fame.
The title “Reach for the Top” is an appropriate title for the biographical feature on Santosh Yadav, both literally and metaphorically.
means the mountaintop, especially of Mt. The ‘top’ here not only Everest but also the pinnacle of glory. Santosh reached both the tops with Elan, thanks to her sterling qualities of body and mind, and thanks also to the training and support she received.
“Reach for the Top” as an imperative phrase gives a call to the readers to do their best and strive to achieve excellence and glory in their own area of interest through hard work, persistent efforts, the constancy of purpose, strong will and meticulous planning.
In part-2
Maria Sharapova, reached the summit of women’s tennis when she was barely eighteen, Maria Sharapova’s story of success as she became the top seeded woman tennis player in the world motivates us. She overcame all the hurdles and bore humiliation too in order to achieve her dream. Maria’s hunger for success and her competitive spirit kept her going.
The title “Reach for the Top” is very appropriate for this account of Maria Sharapova’s journey as a top-class tennis player. This journey started with early training in her childhood and culminated in her becoming the number one in the world of tennis. The ‘top’ symbolizes the highest point reached by Maria Sharapova. She reached this ‘top’ by the dint of her earnest efforts and diligent work. Thus, the title is apt in that it salutes the courage and strong will-power of this young tennis star who overcame all hardships and obstructions to reach the top.
✌️ Hope it will help you ❤️