English, asked by usamaarshad7072, 2 months ago

what is the title of the Passage ?

Science and technology have provided us with comforts unknown to our forefathers. Therefore technology is the key to social change that has come over the world. Look at the radio and the television. We have now a means of propaganda at our disposal by which we can reform the whole nation. We can educate the people in better ways of living and increase their knowledge. We can send the message through the length and breadth of the country in no time. Then, look at the means of travel and communication. The steamships and the aeroplanes have knit the whole world into one family. A very large number of people now travel from one continent to another and propagate their ideals and their culture Men like Marco Polo and Ibn-e-Battuta were to be found one in a century. But scientific technology has now made it possible for thousands of people to reach all comers of the world, Social changes can only take place when there is a free exchange of ideas between different countries. This has now been made possible by technological advances made during the last century. The under-developed countries are now trying to catch up with the advanced countries with the help of technology. (al what does the writer call technology a key to social change? (h) How can we reform the nation through radio and television2 (c) what is the pre-requisite of social changes? (d) What is the impact of technology on under-developed countries? (e) Make a precis of the above passage and suggest a suitable heading.​


Answered by Chohans



Answered by arpitajjoshi


Title can be development of science

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