Physics, asked by subhojit85, 1 year ago

what is the tornado describe the damage which can be caused by a tornado what precaution should be taken for protection from a tornado


Answered by pesh20gathoni


what is the tornado

A tornado could be a violently rotating column of air that extends from a violent storm to the bottom. It's usually portended by a dark, light-green sky. Black storm clouds gather. Baseball-size hail could fall. A funnel suddenly seems, as if digressive from a cloud. The funnel hits the bottom and roars forward with a sound like that of a train approaching. The tornado tears up everything in its path.

damage which can be caused by a tornado

very year within the u. s., tornadoes do about 400 million dollars in damage and kill about 70 people on the average.

Extremely high winds tear homes and businesses apart. Winds may also destroy bridges, flip trains, send cars and trucks flying, tear the bark off trees, and suck all the water from a riverbed.

High winds sometimes kill or injure people by rolling them along the bottom or dropping them from dangerous heights. But most tornado victims are struck by flying debris—roofing shingles, broken glass, doors, metal rods.

The number of average deaths each year within the u. s. wont to be higher before improved forecasting and warning systems were put into place.


Answered by smohak674

Answer- Tornado=A tornado is a violent storm with a column of rapidly rotating winds , having the appearance of a dark , funnel shaped cloud that reaches from the sky to the ground.

Damage caused by tornado

  1. Tornado uproots trees , electric poles , disrupting power supply and telecommunication.
  2. Tornado lifts up the people and vehicle off the ground and hurls them hundred of metres away that's why many people can die from this activity.
  3. Tornado can also explore the building.

Precaution from Tornado

  1. Take shelter a room situated deep inside the house having no windows.
  2. If a room having no without Windows then short down all Windows and doors .
  3. If a person is in vehicle and that time tornado is started then he have to get out of the vehicle and go to the law lying area and lie flat in it.
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