What is the treatment if amalgamation of a company
What is Amalgamation?
Amalgamation is defined as the combination of one or more companies into a new entity. It includes:
Two or more companies join to form a new company
Absorption or blending of one by the other
Thereby, amalgamation includes absorption.
However, one should remember that Amalgamation as its name suggests, is nothing but two companies becoming one. On the other hand, Absorption is the process in which the one powerful company takes control over the weaker company.
Generally, Amalgamation is done between two or more companies engaged in the same line of activity or has some synergy in their operations. Again the companies may also combine for diversification of activities or for expansion of services
Transfer or Company means the company which is amalgamated into another company; while Transfer Company means the company into which the transfer or company is amalgamated.
Existing companies A and B are wound up and a new company C is formed to take over the businesses of A and B Amalgamation
Existing company A takes over the business of another existing company B which is wound up Absorption
A New Company X is formed to take over the business of an existing company Y which is wound up. External reconstructio