what is the types of biscuit and their ingredients ?
The main ingredients for biscuit making are flours, sugars and fats. To these ingredients, various small ingredients may be added for leavening, flavour and texture. The principle ingredient of biscuits is wheat flour. Wheat flour contains proteins including gliadin and glutenin.
Types of Biscuits
Rolled Biscuits. Rolled biscuits are one of the most popular baking-powder leavened quick breads. ...
Drop Biscuits. Drop biscuits have more milk or other liquid added to the dough than rolled biscuits. ...
Scones. ...
The principal ingredients of biscuit dough are soft wheat flour, sugar, fat, and water. They are mixed with other minor ingredients (such as baking powder, skimmed milk, emulsifier, and sodium metabisulphite) to form dough containing a well- developed gluten network.