What is the use of mentomeckelian bone in frog?
The absence of a movable joint between the mentomeckelian and dentary would preclude the mandible bending.
Among the morphological synapomorphies that define
Ceratophryinae (Fabrezi, 2006) several seem to be
related to jaw specializations (i.e., monocuspid teeth,
shared with some scaphiopodids, pipids, ranids, bufonids, and hylids; absence of the pars palatina of premaxilla, as in some pipids; strong fusion of the dentary and
mentomeckelian, also in pyxicephalids and dicroglossids;
and spur-like fangs formed by the dentary and mentomeckelian bones, only observed in this clade). Furthermore, ceratophryines have elongated jaws with a
decrease in the skull length, which result in the unique
mouth morphology of Lepidobatrachus where lower jaw
articulation is displaced posterior to the occipital joint
IF you could understand this text its good, because this text has some technical terms.
Hope so......
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