what is the use of rectangle tool? name the tool available when you click on the small triangle at the lower right of the rectangle tool icon.
The Rectangle tool allows you to draw rectangular shapes (vector and pixel-based) and paths (shape outlines)
If you would like to follow along as we look at the various Tool Option settings, open a new image 500 x
500 with a white raster background. It’s just easier to see the lines and nodes against a solid color than
against the checkerboard pattern. It will also help if you make sure the Layer Palette is visible
In order to work with the Rectangle Tool, first we have to find it. Like many other Paint Shop Pro 9 tools,
the Ellipse is nested with others of its kind in a group. In the default workspace, you’ll find that group
near the bottom of the Tools toolbar. The simple blue rectangle, ellipse, and star are your keys to a new
way to work with shapes. It should be noted that the technology for Preset Shapes has not changed, but
the icon has. Instead of the overlapping ellipse and rectangle used in Version 8, the icon for Preset
Shapes is now a blue callout.