What is the use of strpos() function in php
The strpos() function finds the position of the first occurrence of a string inside another string. Note: The strpos() function is case-sensitive.
Within a string, looks for a specific text Is the use of strpos() function in php. The strpos() method function in PHP checks for position of the string in another string.
stripos() Function: This function can also be used to find the first occurrence of a string in another string. This function returns an integer representing the position of the string's first occurrence. Because this function is case-insensitive, it treats both upper-case and lower-case characters equally. The only difference between this function and strpos() is that it is case insensitive, whereas strpos() is case sensitive.
The strpos() function locates the first occurrence of a string within another string. The strpos() function takes case into account. It should be noted that this function is binary-safe. strpos is a built-in function in PHP. Its purpose is to locate the first occurrence of a substring within a string or a string within another string. The function returns an integer value representing the index of the string's first occurrence.
The PHP strpos() function searches a string for specific text. In PHP, the strpos() method looks for the position of a string within another string.