What is the usefulness of MIMD architecture? What is the difference between UMA and
UMA is used in general purpose and time sharing applications. NUMA is used in real time and time critical applications. UMA has equal memory access time. NUMA has varying memory access time.
Difference between UMA and NUMA
1. UMA stands for Uniform Memory Access. NUMA stands for Non-uniform Memory Access.
2. In Uniform Memory Access, Single memory controller is used.
In Non-uniform Memory Access, Different memory controller is used.
3. Uniform Memory Access is slower than non-uniform Memory Access.
Non-uniform Memory Access is faster than uniform Memory Access.
4. Uniform Memory Access has limited bandwidth.
Non-uniform Memory Access has more bandwidth than uniform Memory Access.
5. Uniform Memory Access is applicable for general purpose applications and time-sharing applications.
Non-uniform Memory Access is applicable for real-time applications and time-critical applications.
6. In uniform Memory Access, memory access time is balanced or equal. In non-uniform Memory Access, memory access time is not equal.
7. There are 3 types of buses used in uniform Memory Access which are: Single, Multiple and Crossbar. While in non-uniform Memory Access, There are 2 types of buses used which are: Tree and hierarchical.