What is the usual cause of Tenditis?
I think the term you are referring to isn't "tenditis" but it is Tendinitis (also called tendonitis)
"This refers to an an inflammation or irritation of a tendon, a thick cord that attaches the bone to the muscle."
Following are the causes of this condition:-
- Tendinitis is most often caused by repetitive, minor impact on the affected area.
- or a serious, recent injury.
The main activities which cause this condition:
4-Cleaning house
11-Throwing and pitching
12- Incorrect posture at
a- work
c- poor conditioning before exercise
d- playing sports also increases a person's risk.
Other risk factors for tendinitis, include:
- An abnormal or poorly placed bone or joint that stresses soft-tissue structures.
Example: such as length differences in your legs or arthritis in a joint
- Stresses from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, thyroid disorders, or unusual medication reactions.
- The overuse of tendons.
- Occasionally an infection may also cause tendinitis, especially infection from a cat or dog bite to the hand or a finger.
Please find the answer below:
The usual cause of Tendinitis is strain, overexertion, injury, repetitive movements, and sudden movements. In some cases artheritis can be a reason as well.
Tendinitis is a disease common in middle aged and older people. It is because at this age, the muscular system is weak.