What is the value of log(-1), in complex number?
On the complex plane, ez=ez+2πkiez=ez+2πki for any integer kk. This is a bit funny, right? While the equality holds, we see that z≠z+2πkiz≠z+2πki ! So if we try the inverse of the exponential function, it's a bit ambiguous as to what number we get back. Does logez=zlogez=z or does logez=z+2πilogez=z+2πi?
The logarithm can return different complex numbers! It appears that the complex logarithm, is multi-valued. Here's a common definition:
Where argzargz returns the argument or angle of the complex number zz. Note that the final term i2πki2πk accounts for the infinitely many values that can be returned. If we let z=reiϕz=reiϕ and substitute into the line above, we get
hope this will help you!!