What is the vedic way to find square and cube root
- Square root
Square root of 2209
Number ends with 9, Since it’s a perfect square, square root will end with 3 or 7.
Need to find 2 perfect squares (In Multiplies of 10) between which 2209 exists.
Numbers are 1600(402) and 2500(502).
Find to whom 2209 is closer. 2209 is closer to 2500. Therefore squareroot is nearer to 50
Now from Step 2, possibilities are 43 or 47 out of which 47 is closer to 50
Hence squareroot = 47.
2. Cube Root
From unit’s place, subtract a3 and this will eliminate last digit.
From ten’s place, subtract 3a2b and this will eliminate 2nd last digit.
From hundreds place, subtract (3a2c + 3ab2) and this will eliminate 3nd last digit.
From Thousands place, subtract (b3+6abc) and this will eliminate 4th last digit and so on.
Hope it helps
Pls mark as brainliest
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