What is the vocal music
of burung kakatua?
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Answer: burung kakak tua is a folk song from Indonesia about bird cockatoo(kakatua) that compares a beloved old parrot to grandma.
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In language, you asked (Indonesian)
Para peneliti memantau preferensi mendengarkan sepasang burung beo abu-abu Afrika (Psittacus erithacus) - spesies hewan peliharaan yang populer, dalam foto - dan menemukan bahwa sementara yang satu menyukai musik "tengah jalan" yang menenangkan, yang lain memilih musik pop modern yang lebih ceria.
In English
Researchers monitored the listening preferences of a pair of African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)- a popular pet species, pictured – and found that while one favoured soothing “middle of the road” music, the other opted for more upbeat, modern pop.
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