English, asked by Nutanc2384, 19 hours ago

what is the wind chasing in the sky?
what does compare that to?


Answered by ankitsingh99162


Wind carries moisture into an atmosphere, as well as hot or cold air into a climate which affects weather patterns. Therefore, a change in wind results in a change of weather.

A major factor that determines wind direction is air pressure. Wind travels from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. Additionally, heat and pressure cause the wind to shift direction. For example, a sea breeze forms when the land heats more rapidly than the water and the heated air rises and travels from the higher-pressure water inland. A land breeze occurs when the opposite happens and the water retains more heat than the land.

Additional factors that affect wind direction are the Coriolis Effect and Topography. Coriolis effect is the rotation of the earth from west to east, which, generally speaking, causes winds to blow in a counterclockwise or clockwise manner. Topography refers to the earth’s landscape, and variations in the landscape such as mountains would impact wind direction.

Tracking wind direction is hardly a new concept. In fact, the first weathervane was invented in 48 BC by Greek astronomer Andronicus. A weathervane works by spinning and pointing in the direction that the wind is blowing with the symbols N (North), S (South), E (East), and W (West). They are mounted on the highest point of a structure without any obstructions that could block wind flow, such as trees or other buildings.

For centuries, weathervanes were used as a means of detecting wind direction and speed making them an important tool in shipping, travel, agriculture and weather predictions. However, in terms of technology, they are limited in design and there is much more advanced technology available to help us forecast weather.

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