what is the working of internet?
2:Routers are packet switches.
3:A router is usually connected between networks to route packets between them.
4:Each router knows about it's sub-networks and which IP addresses they use.
Internet is the connection of the computers, when 2 or more than 2 computers are joined together then internet is produced.
For producing internet we need just 2 circuits/cpu/memory/ram. We can also create our own internet connection at home
How computers are connected to each other?
when we start our computer then our computer OS starts working. And when we click on wifi option in our computer/laptop then it scans the near computers in mili seconds. And shows us and we are able to see avalaible networks on our screen.
what is internet?
there are so many types and parts in the internet and internet is not only cable to cable connection. It can be also peer to peer connection. If you are successful to connect any pc by yours then you are able to use internet.
only pc/laptop can be internet?
well, that's not true! Internet can be any device which has circuit or transistor. Wifi router is also one type of computer because it can connect with other devices. Mobile is also one type of internet.