what is theory of brain to life
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The author advocates a brain-life theory of humanness, which asserts that the fetus is biologically a human being at the point at which its brain begins to function. Human life is thus viewed as a continous spectrum between the onset of brain life in utero at 8 weeks' gestation and the occurrence of brain death. This working definition is the converse of the medical definition of what constitutes death. It has important implications for areas other than abortion, including birth control, treatment of rape victims, fetal research, in vitro fertilization, and the disposal of fetal remains. As the seat of consciousness, emotion, and an individual's unique personality, the brain is the central human organ. Before the brain begins to function at about 8 weeks' gestation, there is just a set of tissues or a series of organ systems. The brain-life theory represents an intermediate stance between the at-conception theory of humanness and the viability theory. It has the advantage of being based on relatively objective rather than heavily evaluative criteria. This approach suggests that an abortion before 8 weeks' gestation kills potential human life, whereas abortion at a later point terminates actual human life. It further offers a clear choice point for contending with the ethics of fetal research: prior to brain function, expermentation on cultured, aborted, or about to be aborted embryonic tissue need not be subject to any special rules unless potential is valued as much as actuality. It must be recognized that social answers to ethical questions lie not in facts but in the value assigned to these facts. Although no biologic theory of humanness can define such values, it can clarify decisions and facilitate societal compromise.
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