what is this kind of glass called? neither transparent nor...
These type of glaśses are called trañslucent glasses.
- Trañsparent glaśses are those in which you can sèe both the sides.
- Trañsculent glaśses are sort of semì transparent glàsses, you can see your reflection but, bluřred or hued.
- Opaque glašses, absòlutely noțhing is visìble.
What about Mirrors?
- Of course we cannot sort mirrors on any of these things, because we can sèe us, although it is completely a reflection.
- Mirrors are made of làyer of silver on which tin is coated. The silver is highly polished, that's why you can sèe your imàge.
- If you take a pìrate (a maťerial made of mirrors) and cut it làterally, you will find a làyer of sìlvery metal, but that's the tin coàting.
- The actual color of silver is green.
- Where to see this color ? At the corners of a mirror where the làyers overlàps each other.
These type of glasses which are been given in the question are called trañslucent glasses.
Additional information:
Curved mirrors:A mirror in which the reflecting surface is curved is called a curved mirror.
Spherical mirrors:A spherical mirror is a part of a hollow glass sphere with one of its curved surfaces polished in silver while the other acts as a reflecting surface.
Concave mirrors:A spherical mirror whose inner surface curving inwards is the reflecting surface and the outer surface bulging outwards is polished is called a concave mirror.
Convex mirrors:A spherical mirror whose outer surface is the reflecting surface and the inner surface is polished is called a convex mirror.