What is trade? what is the importance of tourism in trade?
the action of buying and selling goods and services.
Our country earns foreign exchange through tourism. More than 15 million people are directly engaged in the tourism industry. Tourism has proved itself as one of the most important aspects of trade. Tourism in India has grown substantially. It promotes National Integration and provides support to local handicrafts and cultural
Trade refers to the exchange of goods and
services among people, states and countries.
Trade are of many types:- Local, state level,
International etc. Tourism renders many
services to the foreign tourists like hospitality
services which are invisible that contributes to
the economy in a big way. The number of
foreign tourists are increasing over the years
and more than 15 million people are directly
engaged in the tourism industry.
Tourism contributes to promotion of National
Integration, development of village, and
handicraft industry and cultural heritage of our
country. It facilitates the development of
international understanding and cultural
heritage. Today, foreign tourists visit India for
various reasons like heritage tourism,
adventure tourism, medical tourism, economic
tourism andbusiness tourism unlike earlier
years. India has vast potential for the
development of tourism industry by providing
better services and better maintenance of
various monuments and historical places to
attract more tourists to make their stay
comfortable and enjoyable.