English, asked by nizar1, 1 year ago

what is transitive verbs and intransitive verbs. give examples


Answered by shaheelti
An action verb with a direct object is transitive while an action verb with no direct object is intransitive. Some verbs, such as arrive, go, lie, sneeze, sit, and die, are always intransitive; it is impossible for a direct object to follow.

Here are some examples of intransitive verbs:

Huffing and puffing, we arrived at the classroom door with only seven seconds to spare.

Arrived = intransitive verb.

James went to the campus cafe for a steaming bowl of squid eyeball stew.

Went = intransitive verb.

To escape the midday sun, the cats lie in the shade under our cars.

Lie = intransitive verb.

Around fresh ground pepper, Sheryl sneezeswith violence.

Sneezes = intransitive verb.

In the evenings, Glenda sits on the front porch to admire her immaculate lawn.

Sits = intransitive verb.

Flipped on its back, the beetle that Clara soaked with insecticide diesunder the refrigerator.

Dies = intransitive verb.

Realize that many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.

An action verb with a direct object is transitive while an action verb with no direct object is intransitive. Some verbs, such as arrive, go, lie, sneeze, sit, and die, are always intransitive; it is impossible for a direct object to follow.

Other action verbs, however, can be transitive orintransitive, depending on what follows in the sentence. Compare these examples:

Because of blood sugar problems, Rosa alwayseats before leaving for school.

Eats = intransitive verb.

If there is no leftover pizza, Rosa usually eatswhole-grain cereal.

Eats = transitive verb;cereal = direct object.

During cross-country practice, Damien runsover hills, through fields, across the river, and along the highway.

Runs = intransitive verb.

In the spring, Damien will run his first marathon.

Will run = transitive verb; marathon = direct object.

Answered by pratibhasy


transitive verb

It is an action verb, expressing a doable activity like kick, want, paint, write, eat, clean, etc. Second, it must have a direct object, something or someone who receives the action of the verb. Here are some examples of transitive verbs: ... Kicked = transitive verb; Juan = direct object

intransitive verb

not transitive especially: characterized by not having or containing a direct object an intransitive verb. Other Words from intransitive What is the difference between a transitive verb and an intransitive verb?

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