what is trick to learn periodic table
1. Memorize chunks of five elements at a time.
You’ll have 23 separate groups of five to learn, with a few left over. Chunking is like eating an elephant one mouthful at a time. It doesn’t make it taste any better, but it makes it possible.
2. Recite the element names out loud.
Yes, you’ll announce to the world that you’re a crazy person, but reciting out loud is more effective than repeating elements silently in your head. It forces active learning, makes you pay attention to what you’re doing, and you get instant feedback on your progress.
3. Space out your learning sessions.
Three separate one hour sessions will be more effective than a single session of three hours. Your brain has time to rest and re-focus, and the new information has a chance to consolidate in your mind.
4. Aim to overlearn.
What does that mean? When you get to the point where you can successfully recite a list of elements once, don’t stop. Overlearning is learning beyond the point of simple recall, and it effectively strengthens both how well you know something, and how fast your mind can retrieve that knowledge.
2. Flashcards - How to Learn the Periodic Table Slightly Faster
The value of using flashcards might not be what you think.
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