Economy, asked by raamish7, 8 months ago

What is unemployment? Why is it considered bad for any country?​


Answered by DarshHere

Unemployment has costs to a society that are more than just financial. Unemployed individuals not only lose income but also face challenges to their physical and mental health. Societal costs of high unemployment include higher crime and a reduced rate of volunteerism.

Answered by Itzcupcakeangel


Unemployment, according to the OECD, is persons above a specified age not being in paid employment or self-employment but currently available for work during the reference period. Unemployment is measured by the unemployment rate, which is the number of people who are unemployed as a percentage of the labour force.

Cumulative loss of income increases as unemployment continues, but expected wages at reemployment also fall, leading to a permanent loss of future income. Many authors have documented long-run losses of wages following an unemployment event in addition to many other long-run impacts on measured well-being.

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