Geography, asked by ss4630675, 7 months ago

what is universe and is there any extraterrestrial person in ?


Answered by Cynefin

 \LARGE{ \boxed{ \bold{ \star \:  \purple{Uni} \blue{ve} \pink{rse...} \star}}}

⭐ Everything that exist - stars, planets, galaxies and all that lies between - makes up the Universe. Scientist believe that only 4% is ordinary matter and rest is dark matter and dark energy.

⭐ The earth will live on seems very big and very important to us but in the whole universe, it is very tiny and of negligible size. The family of earth is known as solar system.

⭐Earth looks very beautiful from space. It appears mainly blue because of the oceans and the land looks brown and green.

⭐ It is the family of the sun in which many planets are revolving around the sun in fixed orbits. The right planets and other small terrestrial bodies makes up the solar system.

⭐ The sun is one of the billions of stars that make up our galaxy. The name of our Galaxy is milky way.

⭐ Our Galaxy is made up of nearly 200 billion stars and sun is one of them. There is a very famous theory about the expanding universe. Our galaxy is one of the billions of Galaxies that are present in the universe.

☄Astronomers believes that almost all the Galaxies are rushing away from each other at a high speed. This tells us that the universe is expanding.

\LARGE{ \boxed{ \bold{ \star \:  \purple{Extra} \blue{terres} \pink{tial} \: \purple{life}\star}}}

⭐ Earth is the only world we know that supports life. When ever think of extraterrestrial life - It is the life that can exist beyond Earth- elsewhere in Universe?

⭐ It is possible that there is or has been other life in our solar system or like in March or in Europe. But to find intelligent life, Astronomers are looking much farther away in research programs like SETI (Search for extraterrestrial intelligence).

⭐ They monitor the stars for signals and for intelligent life in deep space. Yes, we can expect a still life is possible, because other than earth there may be some other planets or celestial bodies which can have the suitable conditions for the life existence.

⭐ Do you know how the earliest forms of life on earth? Nearly four billion years ago, the cyanobacteria appear as the first animals or organism in the earth. Slowly with passage of time, Evolution begin and from single cell organism, complex and more multicellular organisms were born.

⭐A small marine environment on Jupiter's moon Europa might be the most likely habitat in the Solar System, outside Earth, for extremophile microorganisms. Similarly, Life on Mars is also possible.


Answered by VinCus


{ \boxed{ \underline{ \huge{ \underline{ \underline{ \underline{ \underline{ \frak{ \blue{Required \: answer:}}}}}}}}}}


  • The universe is everything that exists- stars, planets, moons, everything that exists on these heavenly bodies, such as animals and plants on the earth, and the vast empty space in between.


\bigstarOrigin of universe:(Big bang theory)

  • Astronomers believe astronomers believe that about 15 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was gathered into a single mass. Suddenly the mass exploded sending particles flying in all directions. These particles form the galaxies with their stars and planets. These Galaxies are still flying away from each other because of the explosion. This is called Big Bang theory.



  • Stars are present in the sky in groups each group has billions of stars in it . Such a group of stars is called a galaxy



  • Stars are huge spinning balls of hot luminous gases. All stars give their own light.Most stars are made up of almost two gases- hydrogen and helium. In the centre of stars, hydrogen atoms combine to form helium atoms



  • Planets are heavenly bodies that revolve around a star. They do not have their own light. Their surface reflects the light of the star. They are smaller than stars.



  • Sun is shining spherical heavenly body around which the planets rotate. It is one of the 10,000,000 stars which constitute our Galaxy.A rather ordinary, middle age star, the gaseous son marriage a temperature of 15.4 million degree celsius at its Core.


\bigstarAre the aliens out there?

  • It Is the biggest question in the universe: are we alone? Philosophers have debated the question for millennia.When 16th-century Italian astronomer and Dominican friar Giordano Bruno declared that the cosmos contained “an infinity of worlds of the same kind as our own”, he was directly contravening religious dogma. He was later burned at the stake during the Inquisition, in part for daring to question Earth’s unique status...

  • The debate continues, in more restrained fashion, to this day. For some, the sheer size of the universe makes it unlikely that life formed only once. For others, the remarkable complexity of life on Earth is testament to its uniqueness......

  • Until recently, vague philosophical answers of this kind were the best science could do. The signs of life were far too ambiguous to pin down for certain, and our nearest potentially habitable worlds were too small and distant to test.....

  • But for the first time in human history we are reaching the technological sophistication needed to provide a genuine answer. Powerful telescopes are letting us study planets in other solar systems, giving us a glimpse into their atmospheres and a flavour of what type of life might be living on their surfaces. At the same time, improved analysis of our own planet is allowing us to redefine what life might look like from afar, and is helping us to distinguish the signs of a flourishing alien civilisation from the mere geological rumblings of a lifeless world. With these tools at our disposal, answers are finally within our grasp......


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