what is unorganised sector? what problem are faced by people working here?
In unorganised sector,The working terms and conditions are not regular.
Problems faced are :-
1.Low wages
2.Living in Unhelathy surroundings i.e in Slums
3.Sometimes caught in debts.
4.Working conditions don’t have security for workers
The unorganised sector is characterized by small and scattered units which largely outside the control of government
There are rules and regulations but these are not followed
Jobs here are low paid and often not regular
This sector includes a large no. of people who are employed on their own doing small jobs such as selling on the street or doing repair works
Workers in unorganised sector are exploited in many ways
Jobs in the unorganised sector bare low paid and often irregular
Employment is not secured
People can be asked to leave the job without any reason
When there is less work such as during some seasons some people may be asked to leave
There is no provision for overtime,no paid leave, no paid holidays amd not paid leave due to sickness