what is used in oops concept are in java language
Answer: OOP - Object Oriented Programming
Explanation: There are four principle:
1. Abstraction : Important feature of OOP. It is used to represent the essential features of a system without getting involved with the complexity of the entire system.
For suppose: If you were learning driving a car, you will learn only how to drive a car but you will not learn how the engine is made and which parts are required to make an engine. That's like...
2. Encapsulation : It is the mechanism that binds together the code and data it manipulates, and keep both safe from outside access and misuse.
3. Inheritance : It is the process by which one object acquires the properties of another object or from object of different class.
For Suppose: Your parent unique nature will be acquired by you, as if a parent has a habit of writing with his left hand that character will be acquired by his son and his son will be too writing with his left hand. That's like....
4. Polymorphism : Meaning many phase. It allows two or more classes to respond to the same message in different ways, this means that uses the same name for a method i two different classes or the same class.....
Same as Inheritace....