Economy, asked by rocky364, 1 year ago

what is vechile number ? why it is important?please give some examples

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Answered by viratgraveiens

A vehicle number or vehicle identification number(VIN) is a unique number that is posted in the chassis or close to the engine of every registered and licensed vehicle.


A vehicle number or VIN is basically important for identifying each vehicle that is registered and licensed officially by the government.It is a unique number attached with every individual vehicle that is registered.VIN is very important to check and verify the identification of every registered vehicle on the road.It is also used to detect any vehicle without legal registration or involved with any criminal practices.It is also useful for someone who is purchasing a secondhand or used vehicle.An example of VIN in India typically looks like "WB 08 MD 7857",in which the first two letters or alphabets the state from where it belongs or was registered,the next two numbers denote the district within the state and the last 4 digit represents the unique identification number of the respective vehicle.

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