what is vegetative propagation ,natural and artificial propagation and also tell me all of three types
Answer:Natural vegetative propagation occurs by means of roots, underground stems, subaerial stems, aerial shoots, leaves and bulbils. Artificial vegetative propagation occurs by use of special vegetative parts such as root tubers, corm, parts of rhizome etc., or by cutting, layering, grafting and bud grafting.
vegetative propagation is ability the plants reproduce by bringing forth new plant from existing vegetative structures without sexual reproduction some examples of vegetative propagation are given below :Tuber of potato, modified roots of carrot and sweet potato, rhizomes in ginger and turmeric ,leaf of bryophyllum.
artificial vegetative propagation: artificial vegetative propagation to grow many plants this has enabled farmers and horticulturist to grow many plants in shorter duration and has helped them to earn more profit artificial vegetative propagation has also helped in developing many new varieties of planned stem cutting layering and grafting are preferred methods of artificial vegetative propagation.
- cutting a part of stem is cut and the cut and gross to a new plant when placed in moist soil example Mango, Lichi ,lemon, rose etc
- layering the stem of a plant is bent down until it touches the soil the stem is then cut once it develops roots and grows into a new plant example Iemon Rose Jasmine citrus
- grafting the stem of a plant is cut and then fitted on another strong plant covered with grafting wax example apples oranges watermelon and ornamental plants