what is what is executive
relating to or having the power to put plans or actions into effect.
- 'an executive chairman'
synonyms: administrative, decision-making, directorial, directing, controlling, managerial, law-making, regulating, professional, white-collar
- noun
a person with senior managerial responsibility in a business.
'account executives'
synonyms: chief, head, principal, senior official, senior manager, senior administrator, director, managing director, MD, CEO, chief executive officer, president, chairman, chairwoman, controller, director general, boss, boss man, top dog, bigwig, big wheel, big Daddy, big Chief, exec, suit, guv'nor, numero uno, Mister Big, (head) honcho, big kahuna, big white chief, sachem, padrone, fat cat
the branch of a government responsible for putting decisions or laws into effect.
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