What is work of women's in day to day life
As a mother to two boys, I began building my business when traveling around the globe with my family. My lifestyle was hindering my full presence at work as an employee. However, I became serious about my small business when life took another turn and hit me hard. A traumatic experience, that changed my whole perspective about life, and presented me with the choice of how to live our lives daily. Over three years I was able to establish and develop a Lifestyle Brand covering Etiquette/Styling/Healthy Living. The business was then launched as a company, an institute, in 2016, focusing on the three core areas such as Business-, Youth- and Social Etiquette. My mission was clear – Looking good, Acting good, Feeling good – that touches you and your entire relationships around the world. I also wrote some publications like my book Help Your Child Shine: Etiquette And Character Education
The working woman is busy, working cooking dinner for the family. She serves the dinner and ensures everyone has been satiated. Then again she is washing dishes, cleaning, and getting ready for the next day's routine. After winding up the day's work, she sits for her dinner.