what is your favorite song and why
(i want an essay of 120 words and please no + 18 songs this is for school)
mine favorite song is I would like to say 4 lines of that song....
chale jaise hawaye sananna sananna
ude jaise parinde gaganna gaganna
chahhe titaliaan jaise chaman chaman
uhi gumu main bhi maghan maghan
this song's is so inspirational song which tells us that without listening anyone's try to live your own life....
as the birds, and butterflies do....
no matter how, where and what you do
no matter what people will say and
no matter what people will understand of me.
"I will do whatever makes me happy "
so I love this song
and another song is " so take aim song "
by Alan walker... which to says that no one is gonna help us out whatever you have to do you are only responsible for that... and also it tells us that.... life is a journey so take your aim and reach there because your aim is your destination where your journey is completed
similarly I love all inspirational song such as.
¤har gadi badal rahi jai rup zindggi
¤log kya kahenge unka kaam hai kehena
okay.... ☺