what is your favourite book
Answer:black beauty
1.- On The Road
So, I read this during an interesting time in my life- I had just quit a sport I had put four years of time into, washing hours of hard work down the drain. After quitting football, I was aimless; My dream throughout high school was to be that athlete, and it didn’t work out. One day, I opened up Jack Kerouac’s On The Road. The prose was infectious with energy, the characters reminded me of myself, trekking from New York to San Francisco to Denver and back again, seemingly with no object or motive other than to go. The beatnik ideology struck me, and still does. Kerouac has a unique writing style that makes you forget that it’s just a book. The ending was fairly powerful for me as well: “I think of Dean Moriarty, I even think of old Dean Moriarty, the father we never found. I think of Dean Moriarty.