What is your opinion about disabled persons? How you
can support persons with disabilities?
Disabled people according to the mindset of the people is that they cannot do any important task in day to day life. Explanation: The opinion is not same, for one it may be positive to other people it may be negative.
Since 2008, Scope Global has been working alongside people with disabilities to create opportunities and pathways for them to contribute to international development programs.
We have learned many lessons through mobilizing volunteers with disabilities to developing countries and observed the transformational impact that volunteers with disabilities can have on local attitudes and knowledge toward people with disabilities.
We have continued to build on these early experiences and, today, engage with people with disabilities through a dedicated disability inclusion practice. The practice is founded on a model that challenges perceptions by positioning people with disabilities as experts. It provides employment pathways through which people with disabilities can share their experience with the wider community in Australia and throughout the world. We also employ these experts to provide guidance and advice across many programs that we manage.
Here are five lessons we’ve learned about including people with disabilities in development programs.
1. Catalyze ways for people with disabilities to be agents of their own change
2. Set up reasonable adjustments
3. Evaluate and respond to risk
4. Factor disability inclusion into your budget from inception
5. Use positive role modeling to change ingrained cultural attitudes