English, asked by shrishtijaiswal2530, 10 months ago

What is your own experience of the dark


Answered by fadilwaqaar1


Your own experience with the “Dark night of the Soul?" What was it like for you?






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10 Answers

Lucille Isadora Tures, Director of a Christian mystical Order

Answered April 10, 2018

Yes, I had two intense and different periods that I would identify as Dark Nights of the Soul. The second one was much more extreme on then the first.

The first one occurred after years of joyfully teaching and ministering. Everything just became very dry and I could no longer feel inspired or energized toward any spiritual work or topics. Prior to that I had always felt spirit move when I taught and worked with spiritual aspirants. For a year I could not feel a spiritual connection to God in meditation or prayer anymore and everything just felt dead and rote.

The second dark night of the soul was more extreme. I became very physically ill and lost everything good in my life. I was no longer able to teach, to serve or to minister. I had to leave my career, and I could not afford my rent on my doctors bills anymore. My days were completely consumed by physical pain and extreme fatigue. And I could not feel a connection to God, any kind of inspiration, or any consolation. I couldn’t access any certainty of anything in myself and had to completely and exclusively rely on faith. It was nice. Very similar to what St. John of the cross describes. It lasted for a little over a year and it profoundly changed me. When dawn finally came and I reconnected to God it was at a completely new level. So much deeper, more profound, and more stable than I ever could’ve imagined. It prepared me to step up to an entirely new level of calacity got divine revelation, leadership, and ability to express the realities of God to others. It was one of the most difficult and most wonderful things that has ever happened me.

please mark my answer as brainliest

Answered by sidhusimar244


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