What isthe relation between amalkanti and author
Amalkanti is the author's childhood friend.
The primary character of the poem is called "Amalkanti," which is Sanskrit for "pure brilliance." Amalkanti's name is a perfect fit for his persona because he aspires to become sunlight, which in this context alludes to the origin of inspiration. Whether Amalkanti succeeds in turning into sunlight or not is implied by Nirendranath Chakraborty's use of the literary device irony. Irony is a technique or a remark when the speaker's implied meaning starkly contrasts with the meaning that is presented outwardly.
The speaker claims that Amalkanti is a childhood friend who attended the same school as him. Amalkanti struggled academically and lacked academic aptitude. He frequently arrived late to school and never finished the courses. When asked to conjugate a verb, he was unable to do so and became silent. This may be the result of his constant attention span problems and tendency to stare out the window during class. The poet goes on to add that everyone in his class felt bad for him.