What it if the minus sign (-) appeared in real life to take something from you? Which object will you let it take away?Draw the minus sign taking away this object.
according to me bro minus sign is indicating negative thing which should find in our life. I think it take our negative mind set and you draw like that where - is taking out negative things
If it is appeared in real life, then as according to such circumstances, i would've might give some of these important things that is maybe money and food as these are vital commodities for humanity for their sustenance. For example - Jerry has 6 pretzels on its own which in the end, he would absolutely need to give 3 pretzels to Sherry as depicted in this picture provided below.
So, 6 minus 3 is equal to 3. Jerry is hopelessly sad for now, having left with 3 pretzels. So, having such minus sign in our life would also results in psychologically negative mind but such events would widely results in both good or bad outcomes (mostly bad) as per specific circumstances.
If it happens then it largely depends on their circumstances. For example, it might take something our happiness or sadness and maybe both altogether as well, because everything around these surroundings would needed to be taken or sacrificed from someone (subtraction) even after you've gained or about to gain something (addition) in order to create a balance in nature but even so, one should remove their own negativities and while acknowledging the other negativities (-), it must be converted into positive (+) as well rather than fully eradicating it.
For more information about significance of minus sign - https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-physical-significance-of-negative-sign-appearing-in-mathematical-form-of-faraday-law